Aside from the anatomical and chromosomal differences, or maybe partially because of them, it is believed there are definitely behavioral differences between boy and girl cats! Adopt-a-Pet.com is drawing on their decades of experience sheltering, rescuing, fostering, and adopting out thousands of cats and kittens and sharing what they’ve learned, so you can benefit from this extensive experience to decide if adopting a boy or girl cat is best for you!
Neutered BOY CATS are usually more…
- Easy-going
- Adventurous
- Tolerant
- Goofy
- Dependent
- Sensitive
- Friendly with cats smaller than them
Spayed GIRL CATS are usually more…
- Nurturing
- Choosy
- Bossy
- Flirty
- Independent
- Possessive
- Tolerant of boy cats
Of course, every cat or kitten is a unique individual. However, just like certain personality traits connected to a cat’s coat color or length (such as tortie-tude or longhair cats being very affectionate), Adopt-a-pet.com has found that gender does seem to play a role — especially once a kitten matures into an adult cat.
How humans socialize with kittens and cats has a huge impact on their behaviors as well.
Please note that SPAYING and NEUTERING is so important! Yes, because there are already way too many unwanted homeless kittens and cats, but also because the girl vs boy behaviors can veer into unpleasant and even dangerous territory, such as unfixed males adventurous nature turn into a roaming one and unfixed cats are much more likely to be aggressive towards each other and you too.