When God made the world, He chose to put animals in it, and decided to give each whatever it wanted. All the animals formed a long line before His throne, and the cat quietly went to the end of the line. To the elephant and the bear He gave strength, to the rabbit and the deer, swiftness; to the owl, the ability to see at night, to the birds and the butterflies, great beauty; to the fox, cunning; to the monkey, intelligence; to the dog, loyalty; to the lion, courage; to the otter, playfulness. And all these were things the animals begged of God. At last he came to the end of the line, and there sat the little cat, waiting patiently. "What will YOU have?" God asked the cat.
The cat shrugged modestly. "Oh, whatever scraps you have left over. I don't mind." "But I'm God. I have everything left over." "Then I'll have a little of everything, please." And God gave a great shout of laughter at the cleverness of this small animal, and gave the cat everything she asked for, adding grace and elegance and, only for her, a gentle purr that would always attract humans and assure her a warm and comfortable home. But he took away her false modesty. Lenore Fleischer - The Cat's Pajamas It's worth the wait to see Andre 3000's rap performed by a lip syncing orange tabby. Props for the cool black cat also featured!"HELP!!! MUST REHOME due to new addition to family. Now that we finally have our kitten, the kids are going to have to go.
We must get rid of the children IMMEDIATELY because we know our new little kitten is going to be time consuming. It just wouldn't be fair to the children. They are described as: One male - TOMMY, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), light blonde hair, blue eyes. Four years old. Excellent disposition - doesn't bite. Temperament tested. Has had Chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils have already been removed. Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained & gets along well with others. Does not run with scissors and with a little training he should be able to read soon. One female - Her name is LEXIE, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, quite freckled. Two years old. Can be surly at times. Non-biter, thumb sucker. Gets along well with other little girls & little boys but does not like to share her toys and therefore would do best in a one child household. She is a very quick learner and is currently working on her house training - shouldn't take long at all. We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right for them; that is why we contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no longer keep them. Also, we are afraid that they may hurt our new kitten. I hope you understand that ours is a UNIQUE situation and we have a real emergency here!!! They MUST be placed in rescue by Sunday night at the latest or we will be forced to drop them off at the orphanage or along some dark, country road. ![]() "Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives." ~ Stephen Baker Nobody is sure why cats sleep so much. Cats evolved from a long line of hunters and predators – and their sleep patterns reflect that. For one thing, they are crepuscular (most active at dawn and dusk), since their prey would also be active at these times. Whatever the reasons, there's no doubt about it - cats know how to sleep. Although napping varies from cat to cat, and depends on the cat's age and personality, felines spend an average of 13 to 16 hours each day curled up in slumber. Only the opossum and the bat sleep more, napping almost 20 hours a day. If you want an easy, low maintenance pet…the cat is almost certainly the best choice! "Another cat? Perhaps. For love there is also a season; its seeds must be resown. But a family cat is not replaceable like a wornout coat or a set of tires. Each new kitten becomes its own cat, and none is repeated. I am four cats old, measuring out my life in friends that have succeeded but not replaced one another." ~ Irving Townsend
Losing a beloved pet is difficult. It seems unfair that our faithful companions have so much less time than us. We never forget our loved ones but there is joy ahead. There will come a time when you are ready to create more precious memories with a new friend. And there are so many out there just waiting to make you happy... Cats beat out dogs... in sheer numbers, anyway. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, there were about 81,721,000 cats in U.S. households as of 2007; that's compared with 72,114,000 dogs. Just over 32 percent of households owned a cat, and the average cat owner had at least two felines.
By the way, cats and dogs can live together without causing mass hysteria. A 2008 study published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science found that if cats and dogs are introduced when the cat is under 6 months old and the dog under a year, the two species can coexist in peace. Interspecies clashes may be nothing more than a breakdown in communication, the study found. For example, averted eyes signal aggression in a cat and submission in a dog. The animals introduced early on seemed to understand each other's signals, the researchers found — almost as if they were bilingual. "One cat just leads to another." - Ernest Hemingway
We think Mr. Hemingway knew what he was talking about - after all, this is a guy who has cats named after him! (The famous polydactyl is nicknamed a "Hemingway" cat. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polydactyl_cat) We're not saying that you need fifty or so like Mr. Hemingway but two cats are usually better than just one. Here's why: · By having two or more cats, you are able to enjoy the true social nature of cats and their relationships with each other. · Cats who have a playmate tend to be more socially well-adjusted and avoid behavior problems like shyness, biting, hissing, being frightened and hiding from the company of people they don't know. · Cats need stimulation during the day like humans. Studies have shown that some animals left alone most of the day in the house have brains that weigh up to 25% less than those that live in the street. · In Switzerland, an anti-cruelty law was passed that requires people who are buying/adopting dogs and cats to acquire two instead of one since it is the nature of an animal to have company of his/her own kind. · They are less likely to ruin furniture out of boredom. · If you must work long hours or travel for a couple of days, two or more cats keep each other company and are more tranquil during your absence. · It's more likely that people bring back an adopted cat due to behavior problems when only one has been adopted rather than two. · Your cat will remain more playful and youthful into his/her later years with a companion. · Cats are much less likely to gain weight due to lack of movement or suffer related illnesses. · The workload to care for two cats remains relatively the same. · You don't need more space for two cats. · Because…two are better than one! "A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." ~ Groucho Marx
Did you know that black cats have the lowest adoption rate and the highest euthanasia rate? Why? We're not quite sure. Maybe it's the superstition factor. Some people say they can't see or make a connection with a black cat in a poorly lit area - and for folks browsing the internet for pets, black cats don't always show up in photographs as well as lighter colored felines (it can be difficult to take a good photo of a black cat for our website listings). For whatever reason, black cats are statistically less likely to be adopted than more brightly colored felines. Black cats are also most often ignored by many rescue groups because they are so hard to place. These cats are often left waiting in shelters with hopes of finding a loving home, only to be destroyed once their time is up. We do our best NOT to discriminate based on color. It is true that our black cats often take longer to find homes – and that they take up much needed foster space during kitten season. But our philosophy is that ALL cats deserve a safe and loving home. Therefore, if you are thinking of adding a kitty to the family, here are the top 10 reasons to pick a black cat! 10. You can always find your black cat in the snow. OK, no snow in Florida ...but you can find them easily on any light colored surface such your carpet or your floral bedspread. 9. Everything goes with black. It's true. You know it. We know it. You've got your black power suit on, a white cat jumps on your lap - it's all over. But if your black cat wants a little love and affection, no harm done --your look is only enhanced! 8. Black cats look like mini panthers. Their regal breeding is very apparent under their sleek black coats. Adopt one of these exotic creatures and experience the wild side. 7. A black cat will match any décor. You won't have to redecorate your house to coordinate with your cat. They are totally willing to pose on gold velvet, white velvet, pink velvet, or your sofa cushion - to add taste and beauty to any room of your home. They'll perch on the brocade chair; sleep on the rug; curl in the middle of the bed. You name it, they're willing to go to great lengths to help you make your home beautiful. They’re just that special. 6. Black is beautiful. There's the deep auburn shaded black, the blue black, the black with tiny white highlights here and there, the sophisticated black, the fluffy black, the black with downy soft fur, the black with yellow eyes, the black with green eyes, the black with grey eyes ... well, you get the picture. Black is not just black; there are as many different kinds of black cats as there are cats! 5. Bad Luck, Schmad Luck! When you love a black cat, luck is on your side! Superstition is really just a matter of geography - if you lived in Asia or the U.K., black cats are considered GOOD LUCK! But we really believe that Groucho is right -- a black cat is nothing more than… a black cat. Who has the potential to be your best friend/playmate/confidante/beloved companion. 4. Black cats have more fun. You only thought blondes had more fun. Black cats are fun-loving, playful, full of spark and energy. It's almost as if they try harder to overcome the ridiculous image they are somehow dull and dreary. It's actually quite the opposite. They tend to have the best personalities and be the most loyal of kitties. They're like the sun streaming in a window on a rainy day; like the circus coming to town; they're just plain funtastic. 3. Black cats are loving. Look, we know their reputation -- scary. You've seen the illustrations -- skinny cats with nasty long teeth and bristly hair. We guarantee they're nothing like that. The black cats we know go overboard to be as affectionate and loving as any fluffy, white, pink-nosed bunny kitty could be, AND you get all the other benefits we've listed, too. 2. Love knows no color! Your cat doesn't care what color you, your hair, or any human might be. They realize what truly matters. Felines might not be color blind but when it comes to love, they know what's important. And the # 1 reason to adopt a black cat is that…Black Cats are the least likely to get adopted! Adopting a black cat might not change the world, but surely, the world will change for that one black cat. "When you're special to a cat, you're special indeed...she brings to you the gift of her preference of you, the sight of you, the sound of your voice, the touch of your hand." ~ Leonore Fleisher
We have many cats at SWK that love everybody and purr the minute you pick them up. Truly affectionate, wonderful lap cats. But we also have some furry terrors! They come to us feral, maybe abused or traumatized, never knowing the kindness of a human. They swat, hiss and growl. But then something magical happens…they find someone special. Someone with patience and love, someone willing to let them be grouchy and independent. And next thing you know - that cat becomes the most devoted friend you've ever had. That kitty will look into your eyes and know what you're thinking, probably because she's thinking it, too. Everyone else? Oh, it's safe to say she will pretty much hate them! It's probably best not to have children within say…a mile. This cat is still a little monster. But she'll be YOUR little monster and will give you all the love and loyalty you can handle. All meant just for you. I would say that makes you special, indeed. |
AuthorI'm every cat and I've got lots of opinions, orders and observations for you humans out there. Archives
August 2012